We take the stress out to employ for your companies.
We understand that each workplace and job site come with their own different needs, culture, requirements and expectations.
We, the consultants will take the necessary time to develop a thorough understanding of your business in order to deliver you the best available employee.
We are committed to providing your business with great employees.
We save you time and money, the great value of our service is that Temping is our primary function. You could do this for yourself, but why when delivering quality services in a cost effective manner is your primary concern. We can save you time and money in advertising, recruiting, interviewing, evaluating and processing job candidates as well as in the coordination of employment services.
We pay all wages, employee's superannuation, payroll and tax.
Temp-Z-tation Temping and/or Employing staff are available for a Day, Week, Month or to Year, and Employing Temps with us are All hassle Free.
We have Public Liability Insurance for your Peace of Mind.
We Invoice you therefore you only receive one invoice.
We provide Temp/temping solutions – tailor-made to each client’s exact requirements.
We are highly focused on sourcing quality, experienced and talented candidates.
Temp-Z-tation truly understands our clients’ needs to ensure that they receive timely, cost-effective Temp Employment support.
We are Simply Just Nice People to Work With.
We Work Fast; We are accustomed to working in a fast paced environment and we are constantly working to better anticipate the needs of the settings we serve.
We believe in the concept of individualized “fit” with your unique employment needs. And we monitor your satisfaction. You can call us at any time, and we will both listen and respond to your needs. info@tempztation.com.au
We evaluate our Temp workers' quality of service delivery and compliance with standards of practice through supervision, staff meetings, feedback, growth and development.